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What Makes Rusty Reid's "HEAD TO HEART" (Remix) a Standout Rock and Roll Performance?

Rusty Reid  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Rusty Reid

By: Staff

Rusty Reid released "HEAD TO HEART" (Remix), and it's a standout, beautiful rock and roll performance. 

Reid delivered this amazing remix with exceptional quality. Impeccable guitars open this sweetly sung song. Soft but sustained strumming fills the ears, with each individual string hanging in the air, almost visible to the eyes in its vibration. The vocals kick in with a raw, emotive quality that perfectly complements the instrumental backdrop. Reid's voice has this gritty yet melodic edge that grabs you and doesn't let go. As the song progresses, the drums join in, adding a subtle but driving rhythm that pushes the track forward. There's this really cool breakdown about halfway through, where everything strips back to just the vocals and a simple guitar line. It's a moment that really lets the lyrics shine and showcases Reid's songwriting chops. Then it all builds back up again with some killer harmonies that'll give you goosebumps. 

The production of this remix is top-notch, too. It's polished without losing that authentic rock feel. You can hear every little nuance, from the slight rasp in Reid's voice to the fingers sliding along the fretboard. It's the kind of track that makes you want to crank up the volume and lose yourself in the music.

Surprisingly, this is our first encounter with his music. His vocal styling quickly became a favorite and will not be overlooked again.

When you hear this track, you'll want to stand up and play air guitar to enjoy the moment. What we think really sells the track is that Reid ensures the solo continues, reminiscent of the rock 'n' roll greats, where the solo itself could stand alone as its very own song.

The production, mix, and master of this track are also absolutely impeccable. Considerable time and effort went into creating individual tracks that are powerful and clear, resulting in a robust song with diamond-like clarity.

If you're a rock 'n' roll fan, Rusty Reid must be in your playlist. 

Stream, playlist, and share Rusty Reid and the "HEAD TO HEART" (Remix) today! 

Powerful Quote from the Artist:

“The more you love, the deeper you emerge into your potential self, particularly the Spiritual Self.”

Wait, there's more! 

We caught up with this exciting and emerging artist for:

“The Cage” Music Blog, to talk about music and learn more about them.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

Have you ever been on tour? Can you tell us a little about the experience?

Hi, Maria, and thanks for the chat. I've actually not been on a formal tour. Hoping to put one together soon, though it will be acoustic solo, not with a full band. I would just be doing it for the experience, not for any 'career' reason. Yet, I'm not sure I'll actually like the experience. I love travel, but I want to see and explore wherever I go. The idea of jumping from road to road, or airport to airport, hotel to hotel, stage to stage, eating crap food, and having no time to really experience the place you are in sounds very frustrating. It jars with my sensibilities. Imagine going to Chicago, and not seeing Chicago. All to likely lose money in the process! I can easily envision myself saying, to hell with this, three weeks in or something, and just hang out for awhile there after my last concert in Mobile, Alabama or wherever.

Was there ever a time when you emotionally felt, “I can’t do this anymore”? Can you tell us why this happened and how you found the strength to continue?

Not any time recently, but yes, quite often in my younger years. As a beginning songwriter, it took me years before I wrote a song I actually considered good. I would listen to certain artists and think, "Why am I even attempting this? I can't ever write anything like that."

Somehow I kept at it, and finally began to write some decent tunes. But then there were band issues. They are so very difficult sometimes to keep together for very long. Suddenly, you are starting over again. There are times when you just want to chuck it all.

I don't know if it was 'strength' that kept me going, or just stubbornness, or just that I couldn't see myself doing anything else. Perseverance was the real key I think. Just keep moving forward little by little. If it's your passion; if it's what you do best, keep going.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Oh gosh, I would have a load to give my clueless, lazy younger self. First: practice more; don't settle for how good you are now, aim for a lot better. Second: open up to more musical influences, especially ones foreign to your experience. Third: Don't bother trying to copy anyone; find your true, original style, sound and voice. Fourth: Read books, keep learning, go places with your themes and words that few others are going.

What is your favorite song to cover?

Right now, I would say "Sun and Moon and Stars" by Vince Bell. I have a video of me playing it solo. Check that out. It's a great song.

What is your favorite quote?

Of mine? Or someone else? There are so many of the latter to choose from, but I'll go with "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You!" That's supposedly from Yeshua. Some people take it to be religious, but it is clear he intended it to override religion. To find "heaven" you don't need religion, you don't need priests and popes and churches, you don't need money, you don't need power or prestige or much of anything to be happy, to be fulfilled, to achieve a high moral and mental and spiritual state of being. It's all inside of you already. Paradise is right here. You just have to find it. That's where the real journey starts.

As to a quote from my lyrics, I think one of my best is "Spirituality is its own Way," from my song "Dark Ages" on my "Head to Heart" album. Similarly to Yeshua, what I am saying is that spirituality doesn't need religion; indeed, I believe religion hijacks and stunts the true spiritual quest.

How do you feel about social media?

It's a blessing and a curse for sure. More of the former in my experience, but I've been careful not to allow it to consume me. It can be very addictive, like a drug, and the vulnerable and naive can get hurt. Isn't it great to be able to connect to so many other people, friends and total strangers? At the same time, the social media giants are spying on you, selling your information, selling access to you, and allowing cesspools of other "friends and strangers" to plant lies and dangerous disinformation and plot nefarious deeds. I believe most people are good-hearted, but there most certainly is a significant subset of humans who are flat wicked, and social media has empowered them right along with the good guys.

If you could go on any late-night talk show, which would it be? And based on present life, what would be the topic of discussion?

You know my favorite late night host was Craig Ferguson. Smart as a whip, and funny, funny guy. I would have loved to be on his show and talk philosophy-spirituality. But he went on to other things. So, I'd probably select Stephen Colbert. He seems to have a good heart, and wouldn't it be cool to be in the studio where the Beatles played? He is a Catholic, so I it would be fun to have a little debate about religion. He had something similar with Ricky Gervais not long ago. We could pick up where that left off.

What is your favorite method of connecting with fans?

No doubt playing live. Otherwise, Facebook is where I am most active. I also write essays at, where I'm often throwing words at conservatism. I'm always available to respond to messages at either of these, or my website,

When you reach the stage where you have the admiration and respect of other world-known artists, what band or artist would you love to call and say, “Let’s go on tour together”?

Wow, wouldn't that be something? Lately I've been really digging Lukas Nelson and his band Promise of the Real. I could listen to them play for days. I think our musical sensibilities and styles are compatible, and I get a feeling that touring with that group would be a lot of fun. If you're not going to be able to really see the places you are visiting, at least have some cool folks to hang with in the bus.

We have experienced many people performing acts of selflessness each day. Once your artistry has reached far and wide, how will you use that more powerful voice to have a bigger positive impact on our world?

I'm glad you use that word 'selflessness.' It's not used or promoted enough. It's the opposite of 'selfishness.' It's the same spectrum, really, innit? In reality, all of us are playing on that spectrum in any given situation, deciding whether we want to be more selfish (usually) or more selfless (umm, not as often, typically). Well, I'm trying to be a voice for that through the messages of my songs. My philosophy, my worldview, my system is all about the selflessness. I think that's the actual path to greater meaning, purpose and joy. Things are better for everyone, when things are better for everyone! E. Pluribus Unum (from many, one). It's kind of an American thing, that we have kind of forgotten about. My album "Head to Heart" -- just released as a Remix -- details what is right, and what is wrong, with our human cultures. I will always champion the oppressed, whomever or whatever that is: people, animals, the planet. I believe firmly that many cherished "traditions" in our various cultures are actually quite selfish, and therefore harmful to most of the other life forms on Earth, and we must wean off of them. No hote. No violence. Love is the way. But some of these selfish practices are long overdue for retirement.

What is the most inspirational thing a fan or anyone has told or shown you about your music?

I do really appreciate it when a listener "gets it." What I am trying to say in my lyrics may seem simple and straight-forward, but altogether they are actually calling for a complete remaking of society, and each individual in it. As plain as it is, I think it still goes right over the head of most listeners, or perhaps they aren't really paying attention. When somebody mentions that they "felt" the way of being I'm trying to convey, that makes my day.

End Interview

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Rusty Reid on Spotify & YouTube.

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