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"Let Me Go" by ARO: A Captivating Debut Single Exploring Heartbreak and the Routine Sabotage

ARO “Let Me Go"  The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo courtesy of ARO

Hovering over the cusps of her exploration of music ARO builds a bed of plush, appealing and charming pop arrangements with her honey-smooth voice. Putting her emotions in conversation with a generation that would connect and relate. Plain-spoken lyrics exhibit her conceptual match. She’s thrown everything into her musical recipe making her quest that’s clearly visible.

On her latest single “Let Me Go” she’s smartly knitted everything tight. Intentionally winding melodies, oceans of synth that continually sails the song forward layering it with her controlled and glossy vocals. Guitars that inject a jolt of electric love with a groovy bass line to go with express a sense of mystery. Dynamic drums and rhythm section completing a complex arrangement into razor-sharp and tight combinations. The overall mood is somber yet defiant in her own way. A brooding reflection of the experiences she’s imagined.

ARO share, “This song (Let Me Go) is one of the first songs I wrote, about a year ago. I never had any intentions of producing it or sharing it, and I think that’s what makes this start of my music career feel so special right now. I started off just creating for myself.”

ARO’s sound is an expansion of her thoughts and an intimate representation of her feelings. There’s a newfound sense of focus that satisfyingly pays off. While talking about the song she says, “It tells the story of heartbreak from the perspective of a routine saboteur”. Surprising textures engulf the song throughout. She adds, “I think there are some people in the world who have no choice but to make art. Their inner worlds, their experiences, and the depth of their ability to feel would absolutely wreck them otherwise. I don’t believe art necessitates pain, but I do think a lot of us make beautiful things as a way to make meaning out of it all.” She’s worked with alternative pop producer, Caden Jester, to create the instrumental for this piece and recorded it from her DIY home studio.

The simplicity of the music helps it to be much more easily perceived. Her writing is most interesting as she zooms in on her tendencies in relationships, seeking to create chaos and destruction. “Let Me Go” has a dark feminine archetype represented in mythology across ancient cultures. The whole song is intimate & thoughtful yet a magnetic piece of pop music with a dark edge.

ARO  “Let Me Go"  The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo courtesy of ARO

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