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"Exploring Fiona Amaka’s Soulful Sound: A Deep Dive into Her Latest Release 'Different'"

Fiona Amaka  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Cath Berry

By: Staff

"Fiona Amaka Unveils Captivating New Single 'Different,' Showcasing Her Signature Blend of Bluesy Rock and Chill Folk"

We were introduced to Fiona Amaka, a singer, songwriter, and guitarist from London, who blends bluesy rock with chill folk vibes, and we were thrilled to dive into her latest release.

The musical arrangement offers a beautiful folk styling that is both pleasant and captivating. Fiona Amaka undeniably possesses a unique vocal style that is fascinating to listen to, with an intriguing delivery and note-carrying technique that we thoroughly enjoyed. Her vocal power and control are impressively strong. We love distinct vocals that, once heard, are instantly recognizable, allowing an artist to dominate a person’s “mental library” where their songs are known from just one word. While the vocals are fantastic, it’s the heartfelt story and delivery that truly seal the deal.

We hear her sing:

“You say that you’re a little bit different”

“But I say you’re perfect. Perfect just the way you’re made.”

What an incredible feeling the recipient of this message must experience. It’s such a sweet and heartwarming declaration. To be loved and accepted for who you are is the essence of love, and this song conveys that message beautifully.

The song’s ending was a brilliant choice, allowing Fiona Amaka to truly shine and give us that authentic, rock ‘n’ roll, and folk styling with a solo ballad finish.

It’s always a joy to listen to a song you love again and again, much like re-watching your favorite movie and discovering something new each time. When we went for a second and third we started really appreciating the supporting harmonies. They are a perfect complement to Amaka’s vocal style.

Another standout element of this track is the engineering. It’s crystal clear and can be enjoyed at any volume (yup -we tested it!) while maintaining its integrity, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in this tremendous soundscape.

We say bravo to this extraordinary artist for delivering such a stellar performance, and we are eager to see her perform live, we know it will be brilliant!

You can find this on any major platform; see below for links to take you straight to some of the profiles. Make sure to playlist, stream, and share Fiona Amaka’s “Different.”

Wait….. there's more! 

We caught up with this exciting artist, for an interview in “The Cage” Music Blog, to talk about music and learn more about them.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

Hello Fiona Amaka, we’re thrilled to have you for this interview! We've thoroughly enjoyed diving into your music and exploring your work, and now we’re even more eager to discover more about you, both personally and professionally.

Can you describe the type of music that you play and the genre(s) you represent? Are there different styles within your genre?

I love to play soulful indie-rock, but you'll also hear touches of folk and americana in some of my songs, like Miles Apart and Tell Her Why (acoustic version), as well as classic rock.

What is the spark that inspires your writing process the most?

Emotions from experiences I've lived or people close to me have lived often ignite my songwriting. There's a song I'm working on at the moment that comes out of a friend's pretty graphic and visceral description of a situation. As soon as she said it, I knew there was a song in there. Later that night I woke up from sleep and the melodies and words were just there. So I recorded the song on my phone and sent it over to her. It was 2 am.

Can you walk us through where the inspiration for this latest project, “Different”, comes from?

Different is a song for anyone living with their neurodiversity and learning to embrace and be loved for the things that make them feel "a little bit different".

Can you describe the theme of your artwork and what the inspiration and intention were for the observer to absorb from it?

I'm really lucky that the super-talented photographer Caro V creates a lot of the artwork for my songs from her secret hideaway in Paris! The artwork for Different represents how the set-up of some people's minds can sometimes make them feel left outside of situations that others see as 'everyday'. Like they're separated. Yet at the same time, they can see things that others are completely blind to and that's a super-power. Ultimately, we all need each other if you see what I mean ?

What instrument do you use as the foundation to start your musical creations?

I normally sketch out my songs on acoustic guitar

Where do you create your music—at home in a recording studio or with a producer? How do you finalize your work—self-mixed and mastered or through another source?

I work with a small group of great session musicians and producers. Pianist and multi-instrumentalist Gabriel Leni produced Different.

What was the most challenging part of bringing this project to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

From the original rough demo, the song could have gone in lots of different directions genre-wise. I had different interpretations of the song from three collaborators in the group. All of them were completely valid, but I couldn't release three versions of the same song! I had to really focus in on what I was trying to say and to whom.

Which of your already released songs is the most important to you or had the most impact on your life or career, and why?

Anyway you come and Miles Apart are probably the most personally significant. Miles Apart puts into words acceptance, peace and refusal to be driven to a bad place by the never-changing toxicity of somebody you expect to be in your corner.

There is a lot of technology available today. Some artists have described it as “overwhelming” or “too much.” The current climate of music is growing with computers being more prominently used for both creation and correction. Do you feel this has a positive or negative impact on the end result for music?

The technology we have right now can help us achieve so much musically, so I see it as really positive. On the other hand, you don't want technology to interfere with those human touches that make a performance unique or moving.

Describe your favorite type of venue for performing.

I like venues that are intimate enough for me to connect with the audience, to have a bit of a chat and banter. But I'll play wherever I'm welcome! When I was in my teens, I used to sing with a blues function band, and I remember the first time playing a venue where the stage was huge, and I couldn't see the audience in the dark. I was petrified.

Tell us about the last time you performed. Where was the show, and what was your experience like?

Me, Gabriel Leni and David Taro had a load of fun doing an acoustic gig at the Star in Shoreditch, East London on 1st September. It's a small and cosy venue and the crowd were super friendly.

What makes a performance or song good? How do you judge a performance or song?

If a performance and takes me away to a different place, that has a massive impact. At the moment, First Touch by Francis of Delirium is one of those songs that does that to me. Pretty much anything by Donna Summer has the same effect.

What's the best piece of advice another musician has ever given you?

Obviously I've never spoken with Rick Rubin(!!) but there was an interview he gave where he said that musicians have to get off on the music they make before anyone else can get off on it. That really resonated with me. When you put your music out there, everyone has a view on it, and it can be hard to stay true to what you want a song to do.

Most people love or hate social media—where do you land?

Answer: I keep coming across witty, ironic posts on social media from indie musicians who are tired of having to become 'content creators' to promote their music. Yeah - it's a thing!

End Interview

We’re thrilled to have shared this artist's exciting journey with you and to have uncovered such inspiring details about them. 

Now click the links below to experience their incredible work firsthand

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Fiona Amaka on Spotify & YouTube.

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